Sunday, June 17, 2007

Experience pain to understand life.

I am glad to be back after away for two week in solitary. Living in a monastery to understand the simplicity of life. In any form of learning, it is possible to be trained or taught but there are few human behaviour that can't. You cannot be trained to be kind. Neither can you be taught to be humble when you do not have them in your true heart. The only way to understand true kindness and humbleness, one has to experience physical pain and hardship. By doing away the comfort of life temporary for two weeks, I appreciate life better.

In the monastery where I observed true happiness are those who live without earthly possession. They detach everything in this world and yet they are the most happiest people living. Their detachment release their egoism of their mind. In turn, they live with patience and tolerance. They are kind and humble beyond our imagination. Their world is different from mine and I know I would not be able to live like them. However the experience that I had gone through with them these few days, helped me to understand myself better.

My Belief; "To be kind is more important than to be right. Sometimes all a person needs is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a patient heart that listens."

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