Monday, June 18, 2007

Love has miracle

Quite recently I met a long lost friend. Although he is 67 years young, every one still calls him Baby. For the past thirty over years, he is living as a bachelor because his wife had left him together with his children. They had migrated to America and he is here alone. As he practised a very strict religion which doesn't allow divorce or remarrying, Baby never got a chance to seek for another mate.

This time when I saw him, I could see the grow in his face. His eyes were sparkling with joy and his words were full of humour. I asked him, "Baby are you in love?" Surprisingly he replied, "Yes! But how do you know!" I explained, "Heart is where love resides and there is a pathway that links to the eyes. I can't see your heart but your both eyes have love in them."

Yes! I am right, Baby has fallen in love with a girl friend and she is only 37 years young. According to him, it took him almost 7 months to court this lady. It was not easy for he needs a lot of courage and determination to overcome his fear. First he has to forget his faith and belief. Perhaps many of his relatives and friends might be talking about him. I am glad he said, "I live for myself and I should not be living for others to see." Confidently he claimed, "Most people are hypocrite. They pretend to live decent from the outside but in actual facts they are as a bad as devil. I am a healthy normal person and I need to be loved as well. Age isn't the factor. We both love each other and I rest assure to her family I would give the best to their daughter."

Baby isn't a rich man but merely working as a rice mill supervisor. He won over the lady with his androgynous charm. He has patience, kind hearted, humble, responsible, sense of humour and plenty of true sincere love for the woman. Although love is blind but love has miracle as well. Every one on earth needs to have love. Otherwise God would not have created Adam and Eve together. Baby could have missed out his best part of live without a companion but he realised it isn't too late to have one now. Your braveness and determination really inspire me. Thank you for relating your love story to me. I wish them happiness and joy for the rest of their life.

Specially for Baby and his mate, "Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its hope, it can out last everything, it is in fact the one thing that still stand when all else has fallen."


  1. Robert,

    The story abt "Baby" really touched me. Age is NOT a barrier. seek what the real heart desire. Forget about the physical "heartship". True desire comes from true feelings NOT the artificial or superficial one.
    Baby....once and for all live for your own soul and thanks GOD for his beautiful creation.

    Do live happily now and ever after!

  2. Robert,

    The story abt "Baby" really touched me. Age is NOT a barrier. seek what the real heart desire. Forget about the physical "heartship". True desire comes from true feelings NOT the artificial or superficial one.
    Baby....once and for all live for your own soul and thanks GOD for his beautiful creation.

    Do live happily now and ever after!

    June 18, 2007 7:20 PM

  3. Dear Robert,
    I do agree with you.. Love has miracle.. This is true coz when we fall in love, nothing really matters anymore. It's the best thing that could have happened to anyone. Love has no limit or forbidden rules. It doesn't matter who we are, how we look like, what our age is or where we are from coz when we have love, we have everything. Love might come at the moment when we least expect it and it's really beautiful.Of course love hurts sometimes especially when we fall in love to the wrong person at the wrong time and wrong place but if we were able to love once then we would be able to love again.. I do believe in the saying that God wants us to meet few wrong people so that we know when the right person comes into our life. Yes.. Indeed..Love has miracle.. I am new here but I would to like say that you really inspire me with everything u have written.. Thanks...

