Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Buy insurance from a competence agent.

Most of the time when those who have intention to buy life insurance, they prefer to compare products, prices and companies rather than identifying a good professional agent to deal with.

My 40 years of selling, would tell you comparing products and prices are the worst decision to be made. The minute any salesperson knows you are comparing rather than allowing him to recommend, he would be smart enough to tailor a program to counter his competitors. In do so, the plan may not suit you but rather for the purpose to compete. All sale agents would certainly want to secure sale but by honestly planning according to the prospects needs, his plan may look expensive and unattractive. In order to be impressive, unethically agents would create plans to compete. They would cut corner and add unnecessary features which may not benefit the clients in the long run. After all, how many consumers really understand and be truly knowledgeable in life insurance. So! At the end wrong plans are purchased without being noticed.

My friendly advises are to deal with professional agents. Check to see whether the agents are operating full time or part time. Evaluate and assess his seriousness, commitment, competence, responsibility and character. Once you can identify his true personality and are comfortable with him, I recommend that you should allow him to plan according to your needs and affordability. By doing so, you rest assure the agent would do a better job as he knows your trust and confidence are given to him.

I strongly believe the above dealings are applicable in all types of buying, purchases or even services. Pick the person you like to deal with and allow him to assist you sincerely. Don't ever let him knows that you are there to compare, for the loser would still be you. This is another true facts of life, which you thought you are smart but in fact you are not.

To those who sell for a living,"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."

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