Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Earn To sell with good faith and trust.

During one of my recent insurance review with a client, I proposed a new plan to him. As I was about to explain the program, he said, "Robert, tell me, is this the most ideal and needed plan for me at the moment. If it's a yes, which can serve me and my family, you don't need to explain. Because I trust, you would know what are required by us and we have good faith on you that you would do it sincerely."

I was so touched with his statement when I replied, "Thank you for that trust given. Don't you even want to understand how the benefits and program work?" He smiled and said, "My responsibility is to pay the premium and you are to be responsible to our needs and protection. Please don't let me understand the technical part. With your years of experience, we believe you are the expert on your profession."

With those words and appreciation, I was indeed over-joyed and felt honour to serve with pride.

Is nice, if you were to be accepted as a true professional in your own trade. You could be able to serve the best of your own knowledge and ability to your clients. You give the best of what are available without the thought of comparing and competing with your competitors. The final result, the most suitable and ideal plan with the right premium could be offered. Good faith and trust are developed within the relationship of agent and clients.

"Good faith and trust are not easily given but we have to earn for them."

1 comment:

  1. this is a very heartwarming incident. It is a one of the highest compliment a client can give-trust and faith.
