Thursday, September 20, 2007

Selling is a number game like flirting.

Raj, a 25 years young man from our company came to seek my advices. He has been in our business for almost 3 years when he found it difficult to move further. He wanted to know the formula to sell effectively. He knows well in products but no one taught him the professional selling. In between our discussion, I brought up the subject of how to be a professional playboy. Looking as his face, I knew he was amazed and excited. A playboy sells like a salesperson. I asked Raj, "Are you interested to know?" "Yes! Yes! Yes!" were his response.

The story goes like this. There was once a young man who wanted to flirt with many ladies. He knew no female would offer him free sex if he did not approach them. With courage and curiosity, he took up determination to ask from ladies he met. His first few attempts were horrible and rude. He was so direct with statements like, "My dear, can I sleep with you a nite?" or "You look pretty cute! Can we have one nite stand?" or "Are you available for a quickie?" Not only he failed badly, he was slapped on the face many times by those angry females. Each time he failed, he improved by applying new approaches and sweeter words were spoken. Surprisingly after many months of flirting, he managed to win over 10 ladies from 100 cold calls. From an amateur, he had turned to be a professional playboy who knew, whom to ask and who not to be asked. By the sight of any lady around, he could sense and feel, whether she was the available type. He knew the particular approach and words to be used to win over the lady he favoured. A professional playboy has the ability to sell himself.

Raj, "If you are truly a professional sales agent, you should also know how to sell yourself." My only advice to him, go to a biggest shopping mall in town and try to sell himself to strangers. Sell himself and create friend out from people that he doesn't know. If he darns to take my challenge to meet and talk to 1000 strangers, he will be able to understand my words. I am sure, after meeting 1000 or more strangers, Raj will be a change man. He will develop stronger confident and he can understand the art of selling. Just like the playboy who knows the art of flirting. Selling cannot be taught. It has to be self developed by the hard way.

Quote of the day, "Anyone can give up. It's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together, when everything seems like falling apart; That's true strength"


  1. Mr. Robert Foo. One of the very few people whom i address as 'SIR', has been a mentor to many especially Myself. With over 40 years of experience in the sales field, every word and sentence constructed by him has been carefully thought of and creatively expressed. It took my 2 years to be able to qualify to meet this 'legend in the insurance' industry. As for the first task my Mentor has thrown to me. I'm making a public declaration that I'm going to take up this challenge.

  2. Thanks Raj for your compliment. Would be waiting for your achievement once you try my suggestion. Others gave you easy ways to sell which might not last. A true master offer the right approaches but it will not be easy. I know you will succeed.....

  3. That's a natural talent, I suggest...
