Friday, September 21, 2007

We need trust and sincerity to sell effectively.

Nirmal has been a client and friend for more than 20 years. Prior to knowing him, he had taken few insurance plans with other companies. He has plan to migrate to Australia and planning to review his current financial needs. All the other policies effected are not represented by agents who had left the trade. The original company names have been changed, as they have be taken over by new establishments. He took the trouble to visit these new companies, bringing along his various policies for some enquiries. The offices of the customer services were very impressive. However non of the attending staffs were capable to explain the old life insurance plans. He was very upset and unhappy. The man had diligently paid his premium for more than two decades. He was encouraged to terminate and cash out his policies. With some hesitation, he held back, took his mobile phone and instead contacted me for a meeting.

Today we had a casual chat over a cup of tea, when Nirmal brought all his policies for me to review. I highlighted the important of the increase protection plus the spinning effect of the investment. As these are very mature old plans, the return are very attractive. I suggested to him, if he still could afford to pay the premium, he should continue paying and keep the protection for his family. My few minutes explanation were enough to be accepted by him. Nirmal promised he will not stop the insurances.

As we were about to leave, I asked him, "Nirmal, can you tell me why you took my words without hesitation." He replied, "Your words had positiveness, trust and sincerity." That statement was equally powerful to create a sense of pride in me for my endless belief in life, "The mind grows by taking in, but the heart grows by giving out."

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