Thursday, October 25, 2007

A home needs a woman

I have a son working in Singapore. Although he has a good job, he was unhappy because he missed his wife and children. The understanding wife, took the sacrifice to resign her established career to join the husband there, taking along their three little kids. With both husband and wife now working, he asked his mother in law and retired auntie to come over to care for their young. As both these elder ladies also missed the children, they were too happy to join them as well.

Not too far away from my son home, I have another brother in law who had migrated to Singapore earlier. Recently his maid had resigned and the family had to share duties to maintain the house. Lately his father in law from the Philippines had a stroke and the daughter had to fly home to see the father. Without any woman in the house, the man was at lost. Immediately he called my wife or his sister to the rescue. Requesting my wife to go over to his home, together with my maid to help.

Men are considered as smart and capable. They hold higher position and can be earning much more than women. Sad to say, without woman in the home, all men will be at lost. My son without her wife around, he was unhappy and fell into depression. His kids, all boys without the grand mother and auntie around, they would feel sad and lonely. My brother in law at first without the maid, the whole house went upside down. Later when his wife left for her home, he realised a woman was so important for the house. Surprised me, non of them thought on male to their rescues. They never asked me or another brother or another male relatives to assist. Finally they knew women are important to them under such circumstances, but they had forgotten that this man who wrote this article also needs woman as much as they do. They took my wife but they left me with a young maid in the house. I wonder what happen if there is no woman on earth, would man be able to survive by themselves!

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was right; "Motherhood is the most important of all the professions - requiring more knowledge than any other departments in human affairs."

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