Friday, October 26, 2007

Understand the bad and keep the good.

Our world cannot be prefect because we have both good and bad in the making all the time. Without bad, good will never know they are good. If there isn't any sickness on earth, mankind will not appreciate good health. Meaning, we have to experience illnesses at times to understand what is good health. To stay healthy, we need the extra effort and energy, which in turn generate productivity for the world. Medical benefits are needed and jobs opportunity are created. If we were to look at it deeper, our mind goes beyond imagination.

If there is no bad guy, than we don't need rules and regulations to control our world. When law is not needed, the police will be out of job and no student is interested to be lawyer then. If that happened, many people will be out of job and it may lead to a lot of frustration later. Under such circumstances, it looks like without the bad guys, the good may find it difficult to live by itself. Is logical to live in a good way of life but without the living of the bad, the good will not know what is good again. What matter most is to know and to understand the different of bad and good in life and pick our choice to remain at good all the time. Believing in good of life is happier and more meaningful to society.

The late Tony P from the Philippines spoke to me once, "No one can go back and make a new beginning but anyone can start from now and make a happy ending."

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