Monday, October 22, 2007

The more you share, the more you gain.

When I started to blog in March this year, few friends were wondering why I have do share my experiences to the world. I told them by sharing and giving, one would gain the feeling of happiness inwardly. You don't have to expect any return but the joy gratefully will come. In fact when I first started to write, I could not imagine that I could post so many articles and ideas in this blog. Almost every day, I wrote with something different and I had posted more than two hundred articles by now. One thing is confirmed, the more you share the more you gain. By sharing, our mind expands and it comes natural with more ideas. Those who have kept their thoughts being selfish in mind, may not realise this divine benefit.

Harcharan, a close buddy had reminded me before with this powerful phrase, "A candle does not lose its light by lighting another candle, so light up the life of those in darkness." Your words were true and it really works.

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