Saturday, October 20, 2007

To be kind is more important than to be right.

A motorist was speeding recklessly at top speed. Drove past several red lights without the concern of the oncoming traffic. Further down the highway, a police outrider was around the corner. Immediately he switched on his police siren and pursuit this offending driver. It took awhile before the police officer managed to corner this car to a stop. The officer took his pistol and instructed the car driver to come out and to raise his two hands. The driver shouted aloud, "Please help! My wife is about to give birth. She is in extreme labour pain. I need to send her to the nearest hospital not too far away." True enough, the officer could see a pregnant woman at the back seat, groaning in pain. It was rightful for the officer to stop the speeding car, but upon seeing the painful woman, kindness of his heart told him that he had to assist as well. Instead of issuing a summon to the driver, he offered to out ride and clear all traffic for this gentleman. The woman managed to reach the hospital in time to deliver their first born child. Thanks to the understanding police officer who overruled all rules and regulation on the road.

Moral of the story; "To be kind is more important than to be right. Sometimes all a person needs is not a Brilliant Mind that speaks but a Patience Heart that listens."


  1. It was rather interesting for me to read this post. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to them. I would like to read more soon.

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Thank you for coming by.

  3. Keep on posting such articles. I love to read articles like that. Just add more pics :)

  4. Hi anonymous 24 Jan 2010,

    Nice to hear that. Would be nicer if you could reveal yourself with a name. Thank you.
