Friday, October 19, 2007

The pride of staying longer in our business.

Simon called to enquire about his policies taken through me for the past 24 years. His younger daughter is planning to go for further study soon. He has to raise money for his child. Either he has to sell away one of his properties or apply funding from his various insurances. Upon verifying, I was able to confirm that there was sufficient cash for his needs from our side. Simon was delighted because he solved his financial needs without selling the house. I was equally excited and happy to see the expression of my client voice. Deep down in my heart, I had two types of feeling. A little sad to see how time had passed. The day when I insured his daughter's educational plan, she was only one year old. Today she is a grown up child, ready to excel further in life. I can't imagine how this twenty years had passed so rapidly. On the other hand, I am proud with pride to be able to stay long enough in this challenging business. I had sold them and I am still here to serve with honour. I had created hopes and dreams, and I have kept my promises to be around at all times. Perseverance, Tolerance and Integrity have kept me in this business. With these qualities of life, I believe walking another twenty years in this career is possible.

Quote from the Pravs World, "People spend a lifetime searching for happiness looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, additions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plaques them. The irony is that the only place they ever needed to search was within themselves."