Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Start the morning with a cheerful note.

The best thing to start the day is to cheer someone first in the early morning. I am lucky to have friends who celebrate birthday everyday because each day of the calender is always filled with friend's birthdays. Not forgetting today my lovely friend, Suleiha who is celebrating her sweet birthday. Ever since I had known her for twenty five years, I had never failed to send her my self designed personal birthday card. Even making shame on her husband who at times might forget. Not me because they are too important a friend for me.

This morning before she got up from bed, I had prepared a special text message for her. It was written as, "Specially to this lady I admire so much...True beauty of a lady is seen with her heart where love & passion reside...My dear, Happy Birthday to you today. U do have the gifts of the above."....Robert.

Shortly as expected, my mobile phone was returned with this message from her, "Thank you so much handsome u make my day. I mean it." Equally I was delighted with her words. I replied her again, "I am so glad you like my wishes. More so to this attractive and intelligent lady who is reading my sms now." Finally she came back with, "U have a good day sweetheart."

I believe she was happy. Happiness is to see others happy because of ourselves. End result, I was engrossed to feel the pride and wonderfulness of the surrounding. I started with a happy mood and the day ended extremely well too. How I wish if everyone lives by this way of life, perhaps the world then will live more in peace and in harmony!

What Albert Einstein spoken was true, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

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