Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Listening can help another frustrated person.

One of my ex staff requested me to contact a lady friend who was under depression and needed counselling. I spoke to her once on the phone and communicated several times by the text messages. From her verbal and written words, I could feel and sense that she was unhappy, upset and frustrated. Without delaying further, I invited her for a casual meet today.

Upon meeting her, I could see she was a lost person by the way she dressed and spoke. With my introduction and encouragement, she started to reveal herself without fear. She is an active business trader who runs several promotional gift stores where ever there are action. She complained that business is difficult due to supplies, shortage of manpower, good locations, and poor cash reserve. There were many set back during the past few years. Especially she was cheated by many due to untrustworthy friends and relatives. Even her own sister and brother in law whom she had trusted, refused to assist. While talking on this subject, emotionally she cried with tears. She has the beauty of a good heart but not many who work closed to her would appreciated such beauty. She had spend the best part of her life in this business but she still could not get what she wants. She had no family love and till today she has not found her lover yet. Neglected with love and attention, she has accumulated a huge amount of debt. Many times she had attempted to commit suicide to take the easy way out of life. It was a sad story.

I was listening and understanding her. She was lonely, lacked love and concern. Frustration led to depression which created illogical thinking in her working life. I told her to relax and always try to think the positive way of life. I encourage her to smile and be happy. Smiling can make her attractive and be pleasant in look. Smiling can create confident. Although we met only the first time, she was very comfortable with me. She felt much better after our talk and I assured her, I am only one call away if ever she needed help. We both left as good friends and the meeting was very meaningful to me too.

What Loretta Girzaitis wrote was true, "If someone listens, or stretch out a hand, or whispers a kind word of encouragement, or attempts to understand a lonely person, extraordinary things begin to happen."

Later of the night, this lady sent over a text message to me, "Thanks for your encouragement. I will remember all my life."


  1. me and my wife can also be a trusted friend to her.


  2. Hi Julius...Thanks for your kind offer. U had seen her as well at Puchong when we met last. It was our first meeting too. Should have introduced her to you on that day.
