Thursday, November 01, 2007

With trust we built our confident to sell.

Most life insurance agents failed in their career is because they have no prospect to approach. They can't be depending on their friends or the limited client base to have more repeat sales. Getting new referrers or leads from existing clients isn't easy either. Unless they have proven their creditability and success to them.

I faced the same fate like them before. However I was lucky that I could stay for these twenty five years, and still successfully continuing selling to many new faces currently. Through these two decades of working, I have built quite many clients who are loyal and faithful to me. Due to my hard work, determination, responsibility, aggressiveness, knowledgeable, honesty, integrity and sense of humour, today I have earned my trust from them. For many years, I had not been prospecting or asking for referrers from my clients. They just continue to recommend their leads to me from time to time. Insisting that I should see their friends. They are proud of my achievement and commitment. They are the one who is promoting my name, when I should be the one who is doing it.

Like today, while I was driving in town, I was called twice by one gentleman and a lady who were anxious to meet me. They were approached by other insurance agents who wanting to sell them, creating the thought to purchase insurance plans. However before they commit to something serious on a long term planning, their friends who happened to be my clients suggested that they should listen to my wisdom first. True enough, these two person who spoke to me on the phone could sense and feel the different of my personality even they had not seen me yet. Judging by their voice, I too could feel that they had already trusted me prior to our meeting soon. My friends could have promoted my image and reputation, but I still need to show my personal confident in communicating with them. From these two calls, I could understand why the earlier agents failed to conclude the sales; they did not have the personal touch and they lacked the personal confident in their doing.

Quote for the day, "We now accept the fact that learning is a life long process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn." Written by Peter F. Drucker.

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