Monday, December 03, 2007

Die with a smile.

While recuperating from my recent surgery, I was glad that there were many concerned friends and relatives who visited me at home. One of the most common question asked, "What happened?" Coz they had never seen me getting seriously sick or ever admitted to hospital before. To make things more livelier to everyone, I told them this story.

There was this lovely cyst which I think was like a crystal diamond developing within my right knee cap. For whatever happened, there must be a reason! I rather chose a good reasoning than a bad one. For this admission and operation, I had contributed my part to assist the growth and survival of the medical industry. Although my medical fees could be minor, it helped to pay the overall funding of the hospital. Not forgetting there are hundreds of families within this medical centre, which depends the sicks to support their financial needs. It was fair on my side because it took me almost sixty years to pay this due to them. Perhaps this is my first and last contribution in medical payment. I am sure everyone has to be sick one day and we have to take turns to do it. Haha!! Anyway, all my medical charges were paid by my insurance company. They were too happy to do it because I had diligently paid my insurance premium to them. Now was the time, they had to prove to me that what they had promised was true and reliable. Of course, I am totally convinced. With my stronger belief, I am going to enlighten more people to insure the necessary. See! This crystal diamond had created a real impact on my life. It served a purpose for being here.

My explanation sounded logically with lots of humour. Everyone was laughing. Again I had proven to myself, "Happiness is only the feeling of our mind." I chose to be cheerful rather than sad, even when I am unwell. My goal in life, "To die with a smile or before I depart from this world, I must have a smiling face to go with it."

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