Saturday, December 01, 2007

A wonderful experience of a recent surgery.

In all my life, I had visited hundreds who had been hospitalized but not myself. I broke my record this week when I needed to remove a lovely cyst which was hidden in my right knee. It had to be done by a minor surgery. Advising and encouraging others for medical attention were easy for me. However when my turn came for this admission, it was really an unforgetable experience for me. Although I managed to put up a false confident self, I was under pressure and fear prior to my operation. On the final hour when I was chaired into the operational theatre, I took a deep breath and sought for the Almighty strength, preparing and letting go myself for this surgery. I was treated by the general anesthetic when I was under deep anesthesia, an unconsciousness, deeper than any normal sleep. During the period of anesthesia, there was total silence, relax and peace of the mind. An experience which I like because of the unconsciousness. When I came back to my senses two hours later, I was surprised that the entire operation was over. It was such a relieve after that. It was like coming back to lives again.

From this admission, I know that nobody could avoid being sick and unwell. But when you are not, don't take lives for granted. Always appreciate good health and living. Medical isn't cheap either, if your financial strength is weak but you are still strong and healthy, please consider some good medical insurance for the future. You won't know, the one day you might need it. Otherwise when you have no money and no medical insurance, then don't get sick at all. For your information, I was very much treated like a VIP patient during my stay at the hospital because I was covered by a first class medical insurance. The hospital might not know me but they know my insurance company well, which made the difference. One good piece of news from the hospital. Prior to the surgery, I was thoroughly medically tested on my health first. The final result was; I am fit even to get marry another one more time. I was laughing all the way with the medical staffs.

From Derrick Lam who gave this quote, "A cheerful disposition is the medicine to our heart".

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