Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The art of selling by understanding your prospects.

Most salesperson identify their market before selling to the right segment of people. They pick their prospects according to their requirements. Can the prospects afford to purchase? Are the prospects the responsible type? Are they reachable and friendly? Is he the smart or not so smart prospect? Prospects could be screened by the way they dressed, the way they talked and the place they worked. These might be termed as pre selling assessment before the actual sales.

Of course, its ideal to identify and pre assess our prospects before the actual selling. However most salesperson are not aware that while they are assessing their prospects, the prospects are also there to determine and to appraise whether you are the rightful salesperson to handle their sales. Perhaps without you knowing, prospects are also seeing how you dress to look decent, responsible and smart. Are you able to talk with confidence? Are your command of language perfect? Is your communication skill good? Does your words show the care and passion over your profession? Overall have you depicted your true success as a person to them?

Most salesperson failed to realise the important of the two ways transaction of all selling. Not only you must be efficient to determine the fruitful prospects, but you also need to have the skill to portrait a successful image of a salesperson. Remember you look at them, but they are also be looking at you as well. This is the art of true selling by understanding our prospects.

Aristotle wrote, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore, is not an act but a habit."


  1. Hi Young Man!
    Thank you for sharing your expirence and love with your readers. Those in the sales line
    would be awakened by this topic.

    Young Kat, your secret admirer!

  2. Hi young kat...

    U must had read many of my sharing to address me as young man. Thank you for your encouraging words. Happiness is to see others succeed in life and be happier and I am glad you are happy. Pls read more. Thanks again.
