Thursday, February 28, 2008

Children can be young only once in their life time.

The above are not my children but they are my heroes. Sent over by my daughter-in-law who is staying afar. I have five and a half grand children from two sons. The half is on the way soon. Looking at them relate the past memories when my children were as young as them. They were cute and active too. However I regretted for not spending enough time when they were still growing up. I had opportunities to rub shoulders with them but I did not. Many a time, they asked me to take them to the park, I gave excuses that dad was busy. They wanted to go for the movies but I gave money instead of accompanying them. Instead of shopping together I dropped them to the malls and went prospecting for business. Instead of teaching them swimming, I paid others to teach them. When they were at lost in studies, I was not aware of it. By the time I realised I had to be with them, they no longer have time for me, for they have all grown to be adults. They have their own mindset and thinking now. They have their families to manage too. We only communicate by emails or to chat on the net, coz they are too busy with their careers as well. My first chapter of life had gone passed. I had worked successfully but I took time for granted. I should have spend more time with my children when they needed me most. Although I had made this valuable mistakes which money can't buy, I certainly wish my children and all those who read my blog now; "Please take every moment of time preciously with our growing family, for the children can only be young once in their life time with us."

Foot for the heart: "The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for." - Maureen Dowd


  1. Hi i am your new fans :P discovering your blog from a forwarded email. I like your writing. i never believe you are 60 if you didn't show it in your profile.

  2. I am another one of your new fans i suppose (:
    I was searching through google on the ways to be more likable after having some troubles today.
    It was then when i chanced upon your blog!
    I have to applaud you for your witty quotes, and humorous jokes.
    & like panda, ill have to agree, you do not sound like you are 60.
    Thank you for showing me so much insight into the different affairs in your posts!

  3. Hi Young Man!

    You have enlightened the society the joy & happiness of parent & children relationship which most of have forgotten.

    Looking forward to more wisdom of life.

    I am Young Kat, your secret admirer.

  4. Hi Panda, Ceres,Young Kat...

    Thanks again for your inspiring compliments from the three of you. To say young, one has to have the courage to think young. Plus willing to share and to give willingly. Coz i believe Love has got magic...thanks again friends.

  5. Hi Robert,

    I truly understand how you feel, cause I have experienced that with my dad. From this lesson, I've have always make it a point to spend time with my children watching TV, talking with them, going for shopping, movies, concerts, etc... I enjoyed their wit, humor and of course their complains too.

    Anyway its never too late. There's always Sundays!!!

  6. Hi Julius...
    I will coz i am still young and still growing up. Like u said there is always the Sunday. Thanks again.

  7. Our childhoods are so important! Did your parents do a good job in giving you lots of good family memories? Are you building memories for your children? I didn't do too hot in this field. Read my lament at and vote in my poll on what your favorite childhood memory is/was.
