Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Add creativeness in asking to gain better result.

Be brave to tell your feeling and thought isn't enough, add creativeness is even better. Let me show what I meant.

This is the continuation of the couple who were on honeymoon. The next morning, both went to the restaurant to have their buffet breakfast. The setting was marvellous with all kind of delicacies and food. The lady loves bread but was disappointed, when she realised her favourite French bun was not available. She told her lover, "Darling! will you ask the waiter to add some French bun?" Without hesitation, he immediately approached the nearest waiter.

There are two choices of asking.
Scenario One:
Customer; "Excuse me Captain, do you still have the French bun?"
Waiter; "I am sorry sir. The French bun had all been taken earlier. The other types are still available."

Result: The man could not impress his darling who loves the bun so much.

Scenario Two:
Customer; "Excuse me Captain, my wife and me are on honeymoon. My sweetheart favourite is your hotel's French bun. Can you help me to have this special bun coz I love her so much."
Waiter; "Sir, Let me check with our kitchen whether the French bun is still available."

Result: The loving words of the man touched the waiter who took extra initiative to cater the needs of his customer. The lady was happy and felt proud of her lover.

Moral of the story; Be BRAVE and CREATIVE to tell your feeling and thought. The result works always!


  1. Hi Young Man!
    U really took the trouble and go
    into fine details to put the
    message across to your readers.
    If we can be brave & creative to tell our feelings and thoughts, we
    would be very successful in our
    From : Young Kat

  2. Hi Young Kat..

    The growing up in life, makes us see clearer in thought.Even yourself, your compliments are so sweet as honey. You do take the trouble to write the inspiring comments to spur the writer as well. Thank you so much.
