Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How I had fun with my career as a life Ins. agent.

It was such a wonderful day when I called the secretary of my client this morning. Her boss is the CEO of a Public Company. This was the exact conversation;

RF: "Hi Wati! Is your boss in?"
Wati: "Hi Robert! Sorry my boss is sick today. Anyway how are you?"
RF: " Nothing is happier than to hear your loving voice my dear. Is so nice to talk to you all the time."
Wati: "Thank you Robert. You always make me happy. My boss always talk about you."
RF: "Tell me."
Wati: "My boss has many friends. But not one is like you who care and understand. Only good friends have the guts to tell the truth of him. You corrected his mistakes and gave the advices when needed. You motivated and inspired him. You are his energy giver. He needs friend like you."
RF: "Wow! I did not know I have his admiration. Tell him, I am equally proud to have such great successful friend like him too."
Wati: "I will make an appointment for you to see him next week. Please see him more often."
RF: "Thank you Wati. You really make my day."

Immediately I forwarded a text message to this great friend. As written;

RF: "Did not know young man can also fall sick! Or is it love sick?"
Nasir: "Young man not invincible and also forgot not so young anymore. We meet next week. Get Wati to fix a date. Thanks."
RF: "I had reached and touched her heart. She would advise me. Take care and always feel young."

How could I term this as work, when for every moment of seeing and interacting with people, I am enjoying myself to the utmost. In fact my work is my hobby which allows me to have fun and excitement. I will never trade and exchange my career as a life insurance agent for anything in the world. Coz it is the best noble profession that taught me to understand life deeper and more meaningful. Thank you to Wati and Nasir for being such great friends. I love you.

Richard Bach was right. He wrote; "The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it."

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