Thursday, April 17, 2008

Is sex important in a relationship?

Is sex important in a love relationship? I am still pondering! Lee and Fan have been in love for a couple of years. They enjoy the togetherness. They share every piece of their experiences and lives. They compliment each other in every way. They share happiness and overcome sorrow. They hold hand, hug and kiss whenever opportunities permit. They have confessed to each other their true love. The one thing that they have not done is sex. Without the skin contacts, there is still a flimsy boundary that divides the two lovers.

On the other hand, Pat and Ronnie are lovers for only half a year. They are as loving as Lee and Fan. On a raining night when it was cold and romantic, Ronnie confessed his love to Pat. Their desire were strong and intense. Without further ado, they made love and sex bonded them. I could see them as two souls united as one. Their love are much more mature than Lee & Fan. There is no obstacle within them but rather they are more transparent than before. They share intimacy to the highest level without shyness. They have more fun and excitement. They are not afraid to explore the hidden and unknown. Their love has blossomed with hopes and dreams. It creates the unimaginable force and energy. They have more drive, enthusiasm and confidence in their day to day's affair. Sex offers the miracle of love.

I believe there are two schools of thought here. Would like to open to my readers for some comments. You think Lee/Fan be happier than Pat/Ronnie? All comments are most appreciated.

Food for the heart; "Express love through acknowledgement. Notice the good in those around you and freely comment on it." - Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey


  1. hey there I hv been reading ur blog for some time... to me i believe it has to be a shared value and belief in a couple. one can believe in having sex in a relationship, and the other might believe in abstinence, but to me it is definitely not right to pressure the 'unwilling' party into having a sexual relationship just because it is 'better' or for whatever reason.

    Every couple is unique and different, and what works for one may not work for another. i never believe in stereotyping when it comes to love. Sex can strenghten a relationship... but it can also be the fall of a relationship. To me (from experience and observation) there are two extremes and sometimes it can be like a gamble.

    Ultimately i believe that sex is important, but it is not everything. sex with someone you have no emotional connection will not make you fall deeply in love with him/her.There is nothing like the bonding you share with your partner when the both of you are just so comfortable with one another, doing things you both love to do, sharing and building your memories together. =)

  2. Hi LadyVanity...

    It was a marvellous piece of comment. I am most impressed at your age, you could understand love and life so well. The credit must be given to both your parents for bringing you up with a lot of love and understanding. I think just like you my dear. I must ask my sweetheart to read your articles as well. Thanks again for your sincere comment...

  3. thank you for your compliment... and thank you for dropping by my blog as well!! i hope you will pardon the crude language i use on my own blog... as like any other teenager, i am prone to using profanities to express myself!!! haha... please forgive me :D i'll always be dropping by ur blog... just that i dont comment much... =)

  4. Hi my dear..

    I hope u don't mind if i can call you dear. It sounds closer to each other. Many would be reading but not many take the trouble to comment. However those who read and comment, will benefit more than those who just read. While commenting, our mind expand greater.

    My sweetheart had seen you before at the Fitness First. She said you are a bold and a great girl. Your future is bright. And I believe so.

    Thanks again.

  5. Dear Young Man,

    Ms Ladyvanity has given such a good comment and I totally agreed with her!

    What she said is true : "Sex is important, but it is not everything."

    To me Lee & Fan is much happier b'coz they shared everthing together happily even though without sex. I believe this is called "True Love".

    from : Young Heart

  6. Hi Young Kat...

    True Love does not come easy. If we have it, treasure it for life. Coz True Love has the power of miracle to make our life a happier one. I wish you have it. Thanks again.

  7. Hi Young Man!
    The above comment is posted by
    Young Heart and not me. Kindly
    reply to him accordingly.
    From Young Kat

  8. Hi Young Heart...

    Sorry for the mixed up. I thought was Kat but actually was Heart. Thank you for your earlier comment.
