Saturday, May 24, 2008

Love & passion in selling life insurance.

Two unhappy lady agents approached me for advices, on how to sell successfully in life insurance. Repeatedly I told them, selling with 'love and passion' is the formula. They said it is easy for me to do it because I have already made it now. They claimed, it is not possible for them to practise passionate selling, when they are not successful yet.

I believe most agents have the same thought like the above two agents. Most survive the trade not by self determination but rather by external motivation through incentives created by the industry. Perhaps incentives at the beginning is tempting, but gradually most would lose the desire on just rewards.

I told these two ladies, when I first started selling life insurance 26 years ago, unconsciously I was applying 'love & passion' on my work, without knowing it worked. I might not have the external beauty of a man, but I do have the love and affection of the heart since a child. The first 10 years of my career, I committed on my job with plenty of attention and concern to my clients. In return, they love me ten folds to let me survive in the business beautifully. Today consciously I know my success is justified by adopting the 'love & passion' selling.

I could stay endlessly in the trade without incentives support, because I tap my energy mainly through the power of love. The understanding of life is, the more you help others to be happy and to succeed in their lives, the more happy I would be myself. With a happy heart, I see the world beautifully in all aspects. Today I am blessed with many good friends, understanding clients, interesting associates and most of all a little darling to spur me to move on in life.

My personal advice to my fellow colleagues. Please attempt to use your heart more in selling rather than just apply your head. Heart is sincere and pure. Whereas the mind is corrupted at times. 'Love & passion' is still the better way to sell life insurance.

This phrase from Mahatma Gandi won't be wrong - "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service."


  1. thanks for ur advise.

  2. Hi anonymous...

    I am glad you like this title. Pls come back again.

  3. Nice article Robert! I have been in life Insurance Canada business for years. And you can never be successful in your business, when you actually don't fully believe what you are doing is right! Financial reward then comes automatically :)
    Best wishes!

  4. Hi Lorne..

    Thank you for endorsing my belief. Wish you success in your doing.

  5. Hi Young Man !
    A selfless service in all our undertakings is the best cos we care about others more than our own benefits.

    Here are some words of wisdom to share :-

    Love is the greatest, don't be selfish and devote your love to everyone.

    Be Happy! Happy! & I Love You!
    From Young Kat

  6. Hi Robert

    I have been in this insurance biz for more than 15 years.

    Somehow, I must admit I have LOST the passion in selling. I totally blame myself. The passion just fizzle out from me. I am not good in giving excuses. It is just me.

    Yes, I agree with you. Once the passion lost, the biz also goes.

    I love helping people but not at the expense of selling anymore. I guess I will do charity work,huh?

  7. Hi Insurance man...

    Cant blame you...most fall into this situation all the time. Unless you know how to have fun in your undertaking. Thank you for telling the truth.

  8. Hi YOung Kat...

    Thanks again for your loving and sincere contribution. Your sharing is most appreciated. I love You...

  9. Dear Mr Foo

    Do you mind defining 'fun in your undertaking.'

    Thank you.

  10. Hi anonymous...

    Have fun in whatever you do, your profession, tasks or assigments involved. Work is boring but when you change work into fun, it becomes interesting.

  11. Hi Mr Foo

    Thank you very much for replying my question.

    Can you please give me some examples of fun that you do in your undertakings.

  12. Great advice. I always tell my sales people that passion is something you must have to be in the business.

  13. Hi anonymous...

    Pls read more of my other titles. Like.."How to be happy & interesting" dated 4/30 and "The magical formula of selling life insurance" dated 4/25....u will like them. Thanks for your interest on my blog.

  14. Hi Byron Udell...

    Thank you for reading my blog...

  15. To tell you frankly, I hate agents selling life insurance, 'coz the first thing that enters my mind is that they only care on the commission they'll earn from their clients. I'm not opposing your point of view but that's reality. I know not all agents are of this type but mostly. Anyway, as I read your blog, I see that your a sincere type of person.

  16. Hi HyunChard,

    Thank you for your frank compliment. Hope you would locate a committed agent to serve you.

  17. Waooow!!! Magnificent blogs, this is what I wanted to search. Thanks buddywhole life insurance rates
