Thursday, August 07, 2008

At age 60, what excite me everyday?

A sweet young thing (SYT) asked, "At your age 60, what excite me everyday?"

I told the SYT, everything excites me. What the young could do, I equally can! What I could do, the young may not! I have the mind of wisdom and the heart of 37 turning 36. The young could feel young but not all older person could. Unless the old have the courage to do so. I have been selling for 40 years. My greatest sale isn't the 10 million plan or the number one insurance agent of my company, but rather to sell myself to my little darling who willingly accept my soul. I consider this as my greatest achievement in life. To do so, I need all the things I had learned in lives to convince her. Not only knowledge and wisdom, but the true heart and purity of the soul to touch her spirit.

Finally she wrote to tell her thought, "Sweetheart..if you are confident and have fate in our partnership and love affair as soul mate...I will be also babe..I just know that since we are together...I have found love and happiness and confidence...especially the support that you have given me...thank you sweetheart."

Those words inspire me. They create excitement and spur me to feel younger and accepted. My mind start to create dreams and hopes. I have more fantasies and goals to long for. Suddenly I feel I am starting a new live again. My talks are sweeter and my interaction tends to be warmer. I am more health conscious and exercise more regularly. My muscle is firm and my stamina is strong. My thought is active with creativeness. I have great desire to share when I could blog almost every night. I sell more effectively and my after sale services are remarkable. My humour is fantastic which could make you laugh crazily. While my wisdom of life could solve most of your sorrow. I appreciate every single minute of my lives and render assistance and help to others without people asking. Everyday is an exciting day. All these are possible because I have made my soul mate to love me more.

This is how I excite myself to live. At whatever age you are, you need different way to live happily and meaningfully. Measurement of success to man is; At age 3, success is don't shit in the pant. At age 12, success is how to make friends. At age 20, success is sex. At age 30, success is money. At age 50, success is money. At age 60, success is sex. At age 75, success is how to make friends. At age 85, success is don't shit in the pant. So! What is yours?

Food for the thought - "We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing" - George Bernard Shaw.

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