Friday, August 08, 2008

His glory will be shown in her face.

William had not seen my son, Alvin for two years. He was too eager to know about his well being. I had not seen my son for quite awhile too, as he has migrated afar. We only chat online. Alvin could be a smart boy to me but he was always the mischievous and the playful one. However I noticed lately through our chat, he has grown to be more wiser, humble, simpler and more homely in nature. Something that surprised me! Then came another day, I had the opportunity to chat with his wife, Fionna at home. Casually I asked her about Alvin. She was very happy with the husband because he came home early for dinner most of the time. He often bought flowers for her. They held hand whenever they went out. He is more caring and tends to be more romantic than before. This is definitely good news.

As William is an experience man, he remarked, "I am sure your son has changed. Judge him by the lady's words." Not all men would tell the truth of their behaviour. To "check & balance" of the man, ask his woman and the truth would be revealed. The emotion of the lady depicts the happiness from her man. If she is joyful and delighted in voice and facial, most likely she is treated well by her man. Otherwise it could be the reverse effect. Meaning, the glory of a man is shown in the face of his lover.

Food for the heart - "Once you have loved, you will always love. For what's in your mind may escape but what's in your heart will remain forever."


  1. Hi dad, thanks for making me your centerpiece again. No matter how smart i can be, it all came from you and mom and I will always be the little mischievous son of yours.

    I cant be sure whether i had grown up or had learned the true definition of romance as this is one area that i had been failing over and over again to this day. Of course i dont intend to continue failing as I m not getting any younger. Time flies so fast that my son is already 10 years old, my daughter is 4 and I m in the midst of becoming a father again at the age of 37. They will always be my biggest asset and a reason for me to continue to persevere and doing things right.

    I m thankful to have you and mom who had nurtured and given me the best and my promise to you is to continue to do the right thing and more importantly to do it with lots of love.

  2. Hi son...

    That was a wonderful piece of words you wrote, reflecting your maturity and understanding of life. It is great to be your dad and I hope u continue to learn more about being romantic with your soul mate, a fun father to your children and always a playful son to us. I can't imagine I have to talk with you on blog. Without your influence and encouragement, I won't have being a blogger myself. Your naughtiness motivates me to feel younger than you today. I am sorry, in heart felt age I am younger than you. Last year I was 37 but this year, I have turned
    36. You have to congratulate your dad. Right?
