Saturday, August 09, 2008

The way to identify baby girl or boy!

I would be expecting my sixth grand child this coming September. When I saw my daughter in law early this year, when she was only two months pregnant, I could see the expected baby to be a girl. I told Fionna then, "My dear, your baby is a girl." She could not believe it, until she and her husband who recently did a scanning which confirmed the sex as to be a female. They are over joy as our family actually has too many males. A darling girl will make a lot of different to us. Especially to a young grand dad like me, who now loves girls more than boys.

Fionna asked. "Dad! How could you see me to be conceiving a girl at that early stage of pregnancy?" This is something I had learned through the years of observing and experiencing. When a woman is carrying a baby boy, she tends to look rough in physical and facial. Perhaps the male hormone in her, changes her metabolism. Physiologically she looses her feminine charm. However if she carries a girl, the extra female hormone makes her to be more sexier and prettier. Look at her above photograph posted. She is still as beautiful as before, because there is another beautiful girl inside her. Scanning could identify the end result but our eyes are equally effective if only we learn to use them well.

Food for the thought - "Thought is cause; experience is effect. If you don't like the effects in your life, you have to change the nature of your thinking" - Marianne Williamson

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