Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Any relationship needs commitment.

Are u a committed person?

Selling life insurance needs commitment. Because relationship is involved. Any relationships, especially loving someone , you need to be serious and be responsible to each other. When you love someone, you have to love her/ his entire family too. Or you marry a wife or husband, you marry the whole family also. You can't just love that person and forget the family. To love a person, you have to offer care and concern. If you could offer the same attention to his/ her parents, brothers, sisters and even relatives, the relationship definitely will be beautiful and lasting. Unless you are a committed person, you won't bother to love the entire family. The simple reason is, commitment takes time and effort. Many relationships and marriages breakup because commitment isn't there in the first place.

A successful life insurance agent loves his clients and their families. He doesn't look at sales alone. He builds his relationship by spending a lot time with the clients immediate families. He knows what they likes and dislikes. He shares their joy and sorrow. He inspires their dreams and offers advices when they face problems. He could be like a parent or brother to the family. He will never fail to be around when he is needed most in time of any eventualities. This is the commitment of a good agent. Usually such agents could be loving partner as well.

Food for the thought - "If someone listens, or stretches out a hand, or whispers a kind word of encouragement, or attempts to understand a lonely person, extraordinary things begin to happen" - Loretta Girzatlis

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