Monday, September 15, 2008

Feelings can kill?

A sweet young thing had fallen madly in love with another young man. After a period of time, she found him to have another affair with another girl. She became hysterical, mad, sick and extremely unstable. Many friends were trying to encourage her to forget this unfaithful man. However she refused to accept the advices, simply because she still loves him. She wants to be the only girl for him. Otherwise, she might even consider to take her lives away. This is a very serious type of love relationship.

With curiosity I asked many younger people for their comments. The question is; "Does Love be greater with sex or without sex?" Their conclusion are; Whether with sex or without sex, love can be serious in any relationship. But those who are having sex in their love, is definitely more serious in feeling. Sex is pleasurable. Sex can bond couple together. Sex has gain but equally has pain. Sex is possessive and can be very sensitive.

The explanation from these truthful young people most likely confirmed, love relationship involved with sex is deeper than those without sex. The man had cheated the feeling of this SYT who willingly gave herself to him. The sad thing is, this feeling of unfaithfulness hurts. If not taken care, feeling of such can kill. Avoid it at all cost if you can.

Food for the heart - "Hatreds never cease through hatred in this world; through love alone they cease. This is an eternal law" - Gautama Buddha

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