Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Beauty is everywhere...U just have to look.

Mike was shaking his head with an unhappy face. Whispering softly, "Mmmmmm!!! Not good! Business is bad." He was complaining that market was weak, politically unstable and world economy was slowing down. I stared at his face and asked, "May I know when you ever mentioned that things are good for you?"

Is true! Most people would complain all the time, whether is good or bad time. The slightest excuses and uneventful happenings, they would react negatively. However when they are having a marvellous time, neither would they compliment for the blessing. In Mike's case, his business might be affected but not his health or his overall well being. He still could afford to spend lavishly, go for short holidays, driving a tasteful car and his family is well taken care.

During my chat with him, I told him this story which changed his thought. Last week I visited a lady patient at the government hospital. A SYT requested me to see the patient, as she knew I could talk like a faith healer who might lessen her pain. The patient had been suffering from cancer for two years. She was a retired head mistress, age at 60 unmarried, but adopted a daughter. When I saw her, I could see the pain on her face. The many chemotherapeutic treatments had drained her energy. She had lost her beauty and she was wane and thin. The little soft food she ate was vomited. Under such difficult situation, this weak lady could still provide me with a smile, when I was talking to her. I knew she was suffering but neither she cried not complained. I could not do much, except prayed for the divine force be upon her. Three days ago, she passed away peacefully. I considered her as truly a strong lady.

After when Mike had listened to this touching episode, he promised not to complain anymore in life. I reminded him, when your heart is happy, you will see a beautiful matter what happened.

Food for the heart - "Happiness cannot come from the without. It must come from the within" - Helen Keller.

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