Thursday, September 25, 2008

Can you see in darkness?

Macus is a keen Hash runner. For those who have not heard of the Hash, let me tell you briefly about it. The basic idea of the Hash is a non-competitive jaunt through the local country side to appreciate nature and to further encourage a thirst for beer that should already exist.

Prior to running with Hash, Macus was a heavy drinker. His stamina was weak and he had a big tummy. Ever since he took up Hash running, he is fitter and healthier no doubt. When a date for the run is on, he would never fail not to participate the run with his team partners. Be it the day or the night, rain or shine, they would take the Hash run. No joke! According to Macus, running during the day is easy but running in the night is a skill. Just imagine, in total pitch darkness of the jungle. They are only using torch lights to guide their way. Further more, they are not running on a straight level road. The skill is, they have to identify all the key positions of the entire location. One important requirement, they need to possess love and passion to run consistently.

The darkness should not deter a regular Hash runner to run. Similarly a romantic couple needs no light to rock on the bed. In total darkness of their bedroom, both partners could manoeuvre their bodies, hands, faces, legs and fingers tactically. With the final countdown, they know where to reach the hidden tunnel of joy. The rock and roll is a skill, they have to identify the key buttons as well.

Life is a journey. The future is uncertain and unsure. Without knowledge and advices, it might be a blind path to live and to grow. Hash runners need key markers to complete their run. Lovers know the sensitive parts to reach orgasm for full satisfaction. To succeed in life, we require the key determination and enthusiasm too. The world is not dark, if only we see it to be bright.

Food for the thought - "To be blind, but worst is to have eyes and not see" - Helen Keller.


  1. We see light at the end of the tunnel, but Robert sees joy in the tunnel. He is one step ahead of us!

  2. Hi anonymous...

    You could see joy in the tunnel too. if only you are brave enough. Remaining as anonymous is questionable!!! Any way, thank you for your compliment.

  3. Dear Robert,
    Not that I like to remain anonymous, but just that it is the easiest and fastest way 'to go in'(your comment, not the tunnel!).
    Sorry for that.

  4. Hi anonymous...

    U are witty and smart. My blog must have created some strong interest, and I am too glad you came to look at them. Please correct me if I am at wrong. I try to write the best of what in my mind but I also need sincere comments from you guys.Thank you for coming back again.
