Monday, September 22, 2008

Even U don't buy, try not to reject!

Nobody likes rejection, neither do I. With forty years of selling behind me, I guess, I encounter more sales rejections than most normal salesperson. Sales rejections are unavoidable, as most people don't like to be sold in the first place. If you want to try selling, ask yourself whether you are the sensitive type. If you are, then selling isn't suitable for you.

In my early days of selling, I had experienced the worst of rejections which I would not forget till today. I was scolded as being pest to my prospects, insurance agents are like beggars, hate seeing salesman, are you coming to cheat, you are wasting my time and etc. Those statements were hurting, and it took me many days to compose myself. Each rejection made me tougher. Each rejection made me to understand why people didn't buy. Each rejection strengthened me to be a better salesman.

However not many who venture into selling could be able to accept this rejection world. With my many years of experiences of encountering rejections, this is what I do now. Example: Whenever I met another salesperson, I tried not to reject them even I did not buy. Instead I became more creative with my reply.

I was approached by one telemarketing lady who tried to introduce her services. In order not to give her a direct 'No', this was what I told her, "My dear, you really have caught me at the wrong timing. Can't you hear the wedding bells? I am about to propose to marry my little darling who is beside me now. If you are going to speak to me further, I might loose the golden opportunity to confess my love." Immediately with delight she replied, "Congratulations! Please go ahead with your proposal. I shall not disturb you and I wish you best of luck." When I hanged down the call, I knew she wasn't directly being rejected. Although she could not sell her services, I was sure she felt great and excited with this reply.

Conclusion - I turned rejection to others into fun and laughter without hurting their feeling. Why reject for the seek of rejecting, after all rejecting is always hurting. Even you don't buy, try not to reject!

Food for the thought - "A candle does not lose its light by lighting another candle. So light up the life of those in darkness."


  1. The manner you reject the telemarketing lady leaves no room for her to continue her service but presumably apologetic.
    Alternatively,you have created an opportunity for you to continue to marry your little darling.
    Truely enough,as salesperson myself,we need to take rejection naturally. Expecting that even they don't buy, try not to reject will be more comforting.

  2. Hi Youngman...

    You are absolutely right. We sell with fun and excitement but equally when we dont buy from others, we try to offer creative encouragement as a reply. By doing so, we live more of a meaningful life. Thank you for your comment again.

  3. I especailly like the line in your profile - "The mind grows by taking in, but the heart grows by giving out." Happy to have found your blog, will keep coming back:-)

  4. Hi Sixfish...

    The funny in life is...the more we give, the more we gain...never so happy than today. Thank you for reading my blog...I hope I can make u laugh more...

  5. Hi, uncle Foo,
    I'm really curious about your young, sweet darling. By the way, how is she? And, shhh...may I know who really is she?
    You are indeed 'wonderfoo'!

  6. Hi anonymous..

    My little darling is an attractive and intelligent lady who has a heart full of loves. If you could come over to meet me personally, I will introduce her to u. I assure you, you will definitely like her too. By the did not write your name here. Thank you for reading my blog.
