Sunday, September 21, 2008

Memory lane.

Walking along in memory lane........

My hand phone is having some technical problems. My little darling advised me to trade-in for a new one. As this phone was given to me by my first son, I will never trade-off for anything for its sentimental value. I rather buy a newer phone and keep the old one for fond memory. Many friends knew I have two old watches, which were bought by my two elder sons, when they just finished their education in England eighteen years ago. Although these watches are simple non branded type, I am proud to wear them everyday. To others they are worthless, but to me they are priceless. Looking at these watches, I could visualize the past memories of how I raised my children and the life journey that I had been through. Every moment of time could be recaptured with a sense of sweetness and joy. My sons might not be near, but their presence are always felt greatly by the wearing of their watches and they are very closed in my heart.

Not only I keep my sons' gifts and presents, I have countless letters and birthday cards of the past memories. Occasionally I read those wonderful words written by those who appreciated and loved me. It gives energy and it's like a "magic wand". It brings happiness to the heart and spur me to move on. I believe the past is important, for without the past there is no today. With a meaningful past and memories, it will make a better different of the present and future. That is what life is all about! I keep 'old vase', including love and romance. If I say, I love my little darling, I mean it all the way, for I will keep and cherish love forever as well. Do we treasure what we had and not taking it for granted? Maybe it is time for you to walk back into memory lane.....

What about you? "Are you a person who makes a difference by doing things at the right time that will make the difference in other people to make a difference."


  1. After morning jogging, can't help not to visit your blog again. Sure enough u had shared with us with your meaningful message.
    Nobody can actually escape from reminisce past events and experiences.
    Sweet rememberance down memory lane will undoubtedly enhance and energise our life to perform even better.Don't you agree with me ?

  2. Hi Ohchek...

    You must be an early bird that catches good healthy worms.

    You are absolutely right....nobody can actually escape from reminisce past events and experiences. The more sweet rememberances we have, the happier we are when we think about them.

    After all happiness is only the feeling of our mind. It will definitely enhances and energises our lives as u said.

    Thank you for your extra comments here.

  3. Hi Robert

    Though simple, your blog never fails to inspire, little things do made big difference.


  4. Hi Zenpoet...

    I am a simple man who can only share simple things. And u are right, little things do make big difference in life. Thank you for reading my blog.

  5. hi dad,

    we are quite a like in this respect as i have been keeping so many things for years that i cant seem to bring my heart to dump them. Its not about the value of the things but rather the sentimental value it brings to me kind of like a little time machine that will send me back in time to rekindle those moments.

    You know what dad, i have never failed to feel good about you wearing the watch i bought you in 1994 and you are still wearing it till today. Its a pity that you wont be able to use the mobile phone for that long afterall it will go outdated. If your mobile is not working well, let me know, i can pass you a new one when mom comes here. You can still keep the old N82 in your drawer as it will always be sentimental dad. Hope your journey without my physical presence had been in some way compensated with my heart that has always been with you and mom.

    Alvin Foo

  6. Hi son...

    Good that u shared your feeling here with me and the whole world. I believe our mood move according to our envirolment and time. It strikes my mind now and I will write a title on it. Perhaps the subject is..."What is your mood now?"
