Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fire of passion and desire is boiling.

Closing a sale is like closing a date with a girl. If you think your ideal lady has the interest over you, don't wait but push yourself harder. No female would approach a man for a fling, he has to be thick skinned and confront her. He has to pursue, talks with enthusiasm and shows keenness before she agrees. Selling is quite similar with dating. A lot of sales are not concluded because they were not attended to immediately, when the prospects and clients were eagerly interested. Most sales are closed when buyers are excited, not when they have lost the jest to buy.

As a good salesperson, you have to know whether your buyers have the interest by observing their body's language and buying signals. And as a gentleman, you have to understand whether your lady is romantically interested in you. Both these approaches need guts and determination to succeed. If you fail to be a gentleman, most likely selling might not be easy for you either.

My belief - "When there is passion of fire and the desire is boiling, don't wait. For it is definitely a sure close, either in sex or sale."


  1. This isn't about your post but the first thing I noticed was that you didn't post it at 12:00 AM like everyday, ha. Just thought I'd share that.

  2. Hi Reem..

    U must be my keen reader who noticed the time I normally write my blog. I usually write in the late night when everything is quiet. However time is restricted because during the day i have to be out and in the evening my little darling needs attention. Don't forget, I am the only one who writes here. Is also not easy when there is no idea or inspiration. However the thought of all my readers, especially like you....make me to continue writing. Indirectly u had given me the inspiration. Thank you my dear.

  3. Robert Foo, if you continue your untiring spirit, veru soon Our Great Dr M will be replaced by u. Honestly speaking, it is so joyful to read your blog.

  4. Hi Ohchek...

    Our great Dr M has his charisma and I have mine. Every individual has different qualities. And I am sure you have yours too. Thank you for that compliment.
