Saturday, September 06, 2008

Grandmamma needs pregnancy test!

Is an exciting Saturday!!! What about yours?

I walked into Guardian Pharmacy, trying to look for something which I had not bought before. To make it easier, I asked the attending pharmacist, "I am looking for pregnancy test. Where can I get them?" She stared at my face with some doubts which I didn't really like. She asked, "For whom? May I ask." I was a bit annoyed. My reply was, "Is for my grandmother!" Now I created some confusion on her. Her words,"For grandma!! Are you sure?"

At that moment, my little darling was coming in her way. Immediately I responded to the pharmacist, "I have five and a half grand children. This is my little darling who is gorgeous, young, sexy and still very productive. All our grand children called her young grandma. She is the one who needs the pregnancy test." Without further ado, the pharmacist recommended us the Dip 'N' Tell Midstream Pregnancy Test. Perhaps this could be the first time she had ever sold such prenatal care test to a grandmother. I was giggling in my heart, "Hee! Hee! Hee!!!"

Food for the thought - "Always give people or others a benefit of doubts!"


  1. pregnancy is part of life while girls always deserve something good for health and Ketoconazole during pregnancy and few month ago i was got pregnancy, got many test of blood test and other all that is fine anyway congratulations for it.

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