Sunday, September 07, 2008

The pregnancy result.

Would u agree?

All pregnancy tests create excitement. Either positive or negative, they lead to happiness or sadness. A childless couple will be extremely joyful to see the positive result. Not an illegitimate couple who have an affair. A childless couple will be sorrowful to have a negative outcome. A negative showing will be a joy to those who are not ready to have baby. A positive result could be fantastic for one but might be a nightmare for another person. What about you?

The pregnancy test I bought yesterday created anxiety to me and my little darling as well. I can tell you my feeling but please don't let others know about it. Ok?

Prior to testing, my little darling wasn't able to sleep for several nights. She was worried and tensed. I could see in her eyes were nervous. May be she was quietly saying a short prayer in her mind before she took out the test kit. Five minutes later, the test indicated with only one bar showing. The result was negative. She was not pregnant. Immediately she jumped with joy and I could feel her relieve.

On the other hand, I was taken aback with the negative result. I was expecting positive news which I knew my little darling won't like it. A two bar indication will lift my pride and self esteem to a higher level. I believe a positive result will make me feel much younger. Money alone won't motivate me but the positive outcome will. However I was happy for a moment when it created a false alarm. Not to let little darling know my real commotion, I pretended to be happy like her.

Whether the about was a true event, this is all part and parcel of life we have to go through. A 'yes' might be a 'no' to another person. Or a happy moment might turn to be sorrowful. Whatever it is, accept what is given.

Food for the thought - "One man's meat is another man's poison."


  1. A appropriate presumption in life. Personally speaking I gain a lot by reading your blog. Hat off to you.

  2. A appropriate presumption in life. Personally speaking I gain a lot by reading your blog. Hat off to you.

  3. Hi Ohchek...

    Most insurance people love to share. I believe you too. Thank you for reading my blog and your appreciation.
