Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Age can be deceiving.

Senior citizens are always given some special privileges. Though my heart is relatively young, my biological age allows me to benefit special entitlements. Especially walking into a busy banking hall. Others have to queue for the banking numbers and to be served later. Senior citizens above 55 or pregnant women have special fast lanes.

Yesterday I was in this Public Bank, when I needed to do some urgent banking matters. As usual the bank was packed with many customers. Without waiting, I went straight to the fast lane, meant for the VIP like me. All eyes were at me and I was wondering why! Their faces tell they were unhappy because they thought I had jumped the queue. One lady, I guessed could be at early 50, came over to me. She yelled, "Hey! Young man don't you have manner? Is shame on you! You should take the number and wait behind us." I was taken aback by her statement. I didn't know, whether I should be angry or should be happy. Politely I replied the furious woman, "Yes! My dear, you are actually speaking to an older uncle. You should be more respectful to me. Because I am a gentleman of sixty one today." Without hesitation I took out my identification card to confirm my date of birth. She was stunned and speechless for a moment. Shamefully she apologised and returned to her seating.

I was giggling in my heart because my look had deceived the onlookers. My little darling had changed my entire personality. She had dyed my hair from grey to brownish black. She had encouraged me to dress with daring colours which the older foes dislike. She has given me love which touches my heart to feel young again. A loving heart brings joy and happiness. And when my heart is happy, the grow of myself will definitely be younger in look. No wonder that younger lady thought I was younger than her...."Ha! Ha! Ha!" Thank you little darling.

My belief - "The heart that loves is always young."


  1. Real genius u are, Robert.
    Where u get ur cartoon?

  2. The manner in which the couple enticing each other should be unashamedly encouraged by old people.
    Robert, u had done a good job.

  3. Hi Anonymous....

    As a naughty man myself, I love collecting naughty stuffs. Thank you for reading my blog.

  4. Hi Ohchek...

    Did not know the picture captured more interest than my words! Thank you for coming back here again.

  5. I have the same experience like yours,but the one who asked me to go n q in the usual counter is the bank official !after i showed her my i.c.,she just cant believe it, she asked me what i eatin order to have such a sweet complexion wor! she thought 1 am around 40 plus, i am already 59.

  6. Hi Anonymous...

    Congratulation to you. U certainly have kept yourself well. Perhaps we have similar character and thought. Thank you for your comment.

  7. I hope that I am as happy as you are when I am older and married. It shows how happiness can shine through and even affect how you look, whereas stress and unhappiness ages you very quickly. I think it's inspiring how much you are still in love with your wife after spending a lifetime together, it shows me that what you have is possible for others out there looking :)

  8. Hi Reem...

    I am glad you are back on my blog. Please keep reading and I promise to write as long as you are here. I am sure you will be a happy lady if you understand life better as you grow.
