Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ugliness against beauty.

Opposite of beauty is ugly.We seek for beauty but I think we love ugly more. A man might be attracted to the beauty of a woman and a lady could also be delighted with a handsome gentleman. However both man and woman would never be satisfied, if they are strictly forbidden to see their inner mystery. The day when Eve ate the restricted apple, human being has to be clothed to cover their innocent and emotion. With the modernization of our world, man and woman of today are more fashionable. They look beautiful in all ways from top to bottom. A lot of money has to be spent to upkeep and maintain the outside beauty. Is this what we really like to see? Is a yes and could be a no. Deep in our mind, we wonder what the cover of the inside features are like! Are they as beautiful as the face with sparkling eyes, sharp nose and a sweet lip? The minute we unclothe ourselves, what we could show are only bushy, unshaven, uncut and untamed bottom private hair. I think they look ugly down there. Comparing the face which is smooth and well care all the time. Nevertheless, all of us get excited when we see the ugly part of us here. To think about it, we might not be able to live without this ugliness which gives joy and pleasure of life. Perhaps beauty has to live along with ugliness. Whether you like it or not, there is bad and good out of life.

Food for the thought - "Ugliness is in a way superior to beauty because it lasts." - Serge Gainsbourg


  1. The FACT is,

    What is beautiful is to be seen
    What is ugly must be hidden!

  2. Hi Anonymous...

    You are smarter. I had to write long story and posted with a cheeky photo to depict your two lines phrase. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Dear Robert

    You wrote,'We seek for beauty but I think we love ugly more.'

    I must disagree with you.

    It is human nature to seek and love beauty more.

    Do you ever love a beautiful day?

    Do you enjoy a beautiful conversation?

    Do you feel satisfied with a beautiful write up?

    Do you like a beautiful car? Beautiful house?

    Do you prefer beautiful children?

    Do you admire people with beautiful characters?

    Would you agree flowers are beautiful?

    Take a minute and reconsider whether you really love beauty more or otherwise.

  4. Hi Anonymous...

    You are right. However, if not of my ugly mistakes, you would not have spend more beautiful time here. Thank you for reading my blog.
