Monday, October 06, 2008

Ask and U might get!

Kelvin is a good responsible supervisor for a Japanese restaurant. However lately when we patronized his place, he sounded quite moody. Over a short discussion, we realized he wasn't too happy with his current employment. He had intention to leave for something better. I could not blame him, because most younger people thought the other side is always greener. Kelvin is only 24, full of vibrant and has the potential to grow.

According to him, he would be happy if he ever got the chance to be the manger of this company. He claimed, it isn't easy for him to reach this position because there are too many senior staffs above him. Rather than to waste time, leaving for another job might be faster to prosper.

I knew this young man needed some advices here. I suggested to him, before you consider to leave, please have the courage to meet your boss first. The boss who could decide on company affairs and matters. Tell him, you like working with him. Tell him, this is THE COMPANY you like to work. Tell him, you are to give your best to his company. Tell him, you are not going to be distracted by the employment market outside. Tell him, you will remain faithful and sincere as long as you live. Tell him, you are to offer your soul and faith to him. Tell him, your ultimate goal is to be the manager of this company. Now ask him, "Boss, in order for me to reach this position one day. Can you tell me what are the requirements and criterion needed? It may take years, I will try to fulfill them." If this boss, can't answer your question, I don't think he is the ideal boss to work with. A practical and sensible employer could offer you a challenging reply instead.

How I wished, when I was young and someone taught me to ask. Perhaps I would not have wasted too much time to look for a perfect place to work. Kelvin was lucky. He promised to see his boss sooner, when he would relate the outcome to us next month. I wish him good luck and so do those who read my blog now.

How true are these few words - "Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness" - James Thurber

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