Sunday, October 05, 2008

To someone special on his birthday.

Birthday is the sweetest day for everyone. I remembered when my children were young, I would never fail to celebrate their birthdays. As little boys, they longed to wait for their turn and hoping their father would give them a birthday present. Sometimes I took them to the McDonald outlets where their friends were invited for the birthday parties. I could see their delight and joy while they sang the birthday song and blowing the candles to make a wish. Until today, all those remembrances and sweet memories will not be forgotten.

Today is my first son birthday. Although he is happily married and staying afar, I still treat him like a little child. Its not easy to think what is best for him as a birthday present, because I know he already has all the nice things in the world. Instead I wrote him a meaningful birthday message which was sent by email this morning. I could not buy him a great gift but words from the heart is most touching present.

This was written to him. "Hi son....Quality is never an accident, it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution, it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. You definitely represent that person of high quality. For these...I take the opportunity to wish you Happy Birthday my son. Dad won't forget..coz u are too important for me...I love all of you. Dad....the naught one."

Few minutes later, he replied...."hi dad, thanks for the well wishes and the powerful words below. It really makes my day even more special. I love you too dad. Alvin Foo."

The about words speak it all. No matter where you are and who you are, remembering someone you love on his birthday means a lot to that particular person.

This is the beautiful quote and is especially for you -"Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed."~Charles Schulz

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