Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don't worry be happy.

This can happen to anyone....

It was a lovely morning for my little darling. She slept well last nite coz I gave her all the kisses and hugs when I left her home. Before I could wake up, she sent this sweet message to my hand phone for me to read. It was written..."Is indeed another beautiful day coz knowing my sweet sweetheart is with me and I am blessed with all his love, care, support and protection... YippppYYYYayayaYa....:)"

The text showed she was happy and was looking forward for the day. I felt good for her. The next few minutes I received another shorter message from her again. She wrote, "I am upset and fed up with the housing loan..Just let London knows, if there is no news, pls do not call any more." London was the bank agent who arranged her bank funding. He had taken several months and still hadn't got the loan finalised. The lawyer who represented them was not efficient. Immediately I replied her..."Darling, pls relax. Don't let them anger and disturb your beautiful day."

Although she woke up with a bright and romantic feeling, a phone call with an unpleasant conversation changed her temperament which spoiled her entire day. Though I gave her an afternoon call later, she wasn't prepared to talk. I am sure, she had a moody and depressing day too. Working under such unhappy emotion, might not be fruitful and productive. One could get tired very fast.

Starting the day with a smiling morning is important. Positive energy is required to last the day or week. Letting a negative thought to sink into our mind, could be detrimental in our work. I will avoid at all cost for talking to the wrongful parties...especially in the morning. The simplest way is to call people who are pleasant and nice. Start with the easy one first and drop off those who are a nuisance or troublemakers.

I always carry this name card with me...Seven rules to be happy. 1. Never hate. 2.Don't worry. 3.Live simple. 4.Expect a little. 5.Give a lot. 6 Always smile. 7. Have friends like Robert Foo.

I wish all those little darlings out there to keep my Seven Rules and you be happy all the time.


  1. Robert,
    I'm sure you have cheered up a lot of people.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Hi, Robert, you say very easy only,especially the 2nd rule ' Dont worry' ,u can say it in a relax way bcz u are capable.what about the helpless ppl like myself ? I agree with u all the rules except no.2.

  3. HI dct...

    Happiness is to make others happier. Reading your comment definitely cheers me as well. Thank you for your constant compliments

  4. Hi Anonymous 29 Oct...

    Is true! Isn't easy not to worry.

    It took me a long time to understand the mind. Today my understanding of Happiness or even sadness are only the feeling of our brain. I have a choice to feel happy or sad or to worry or not to. I pick to be happy and not to worry if i could. I had written the title on happiness and the defination on it. Pls read it...I am sure you might change your mindset.

    Thank you for reading my blog.
