Thursday, October 30, 2008

Is she beautiful, pretty or attractive?

Are you beautiful or should it be pretty or attractive? They sound alike but when should we apply them! On checking the dictionary, all three words have quite similar meaning. In adjective term, it is...Having qualities that delight the eye or pleasing to the eye or mind.

From an intelligent lady, she said, beautiful comes with gracefulness, soft, enjoy and admire, looking deeper into the heart. Pretty can be just one glance at first sight only, with sexiness and fast admiration. Attractive is the energy and elegant of the woman. Mmmmm!! the words from her.

A young man of thirty described differently to me. According to him beautiful, pretty and attractive are the same, but it depends on one's mood and circumstances to say them. When and where to apply are more relevance. Is he right?

Since all females like to be admired, knowing how to offer these three qualities as compliment is beneficiary. With some insight of the woman's world, I think attractiveness is more of the outside beauty of a lady. She dresses to be attractive and be admired. A woman might not be attractive externally, but she could still be beautiful with a kind heart. It's never spoken as attractive heart. Rather as a beautiful heart. Pretty is natural and graceful, without even any cosmetic touch up.

One typical example. My little darling is an intelligent lady who dresses very attractively every morning. Her attractiveness draws attention from admirers because it has sexiness and charm. Her hairdo, facial cosmetic, clothing with matching colour and style, fashionable handbag, diamond rings on both hand and elegant high heal shoes, make her attractive. I am lucky and proud to see her attractive in this sense. However I love her more with her beautiful self as she truly has a sincere and kind heart for everyone. If I happen to see her on bed, her pretty look with just light clothing would naturally excite me to the extreme. She is attractive during all working days but when she is with me I think she is beautiful. Given a chance, I prefer to see her in the evening coz she looks more pretty then.

These are my personal views and I am still learning. Would appreciate, if there are some understanding readers who can enlighten me by providing some comments.

I like this phrase - "Beauty. The power by which a woman charms a lover and terrifies a husband." - Ambrose Bierce


  1. She is EVERYTHING...

  2. Hi Anonymous 30 Oct..

    Morning. Thank you for that simple three words. You must be busy and on the run.

  3. hi, Robert,I also agree with the anonymous that she is everything to you,being pretty,beautiful and attractive.May i ask you an interesting question ?If you meet a lady who is sexier, prettier,more beautiful,more attractive and has a kinder heart than youe wife, will you fall 4 her ? ha...ha !

  4. On 22 October, you wrote an article with the title 'Ugliness against beauty.'

    And you wrote that you LOVE ugly more!

    Aiyah! Life after 60 shows macam-macam can happens after only one week, leh.

  5. Hi Young Man

    i did commented on this too...u can asked your Big darling heheheh

  6. Hi goyang goyang...

    If u do read is the face and ugly is the private part. The bottom is uglier in look. It is black, bushy, smelly and sticky but yet all of us love it most.

    Perhaps I was too indirect to make u understand. Sorry for the misunderstanding. In fact, nothing macam-macam has happened. I remain the same young naughty man around. Thank you for reading my blog again.

  7. Hi datin..

    Thank you for coming back. I am sure you will be taught how to be naughty and cheeky on my blog.

  8. Aiyoh!

    What kind of 'hum sap' mind Mr Salesman you must have!

    Aledi 60 and still love the black, bushy, smelly and sticky bottom private part.

    You called that a successful man?

  9. My dear Robert

    It is a fact that every boy is naughty by nature.

    When the boys become men, their naughty behavior change for the better.

    That is what is known as growing up.

    By the way, Robert, do you know why boys are naughty?

  10. Hi eq...

    There are three types of characters. First is the 'hum sap'which all normal people have to go along with. Hum sap is opened when I am not afraid to be known. The second is 'yum sap' which is hidden. Outwardly the person behaves as a gentleman or a lady like, but deep deep down inside, he/she is even more 'hum sap'. The last is no 'sap' bcoz that person isn't normal. I wonder what you are??

    I am glad,at my age i am still a 'hum sap' man as u claimed.For your information, success for a man of 60 isn't money or his career any longer. At age 30 to 50.. success to man is money. At 60, success is sex...he has to be strong and healthy to remain 'hum sap'. If you disagree, I certainly won't blame you. Wait until you are there.... you will understand better.

    Anyway...thank you for reading my blog.

  11. Well, success to you at 60 is sex. That is what you thought, Mr Salesman!

  12. Hi Anonymous 31Oct...

    Why boys are naughty? I had written this subject before. If u don't mind to refer to this title, "Man propagates for world evolution" dated 2nd May 2008...u will be enlightened.

    Thank you for reading my blog...

  13. "Given a chance, I prefer to see her in the evening coz she looks more pretty then."

    haha...but if u say this word to them rite??will they think that..owh...oni pretty in the evening larh...wert about other time?? offence =)

  14. What you wrote dated 2nd May 2008 was about man, my dear Robert.

    I wrote when a boy became a man, his naughty behavior change for the better which is known as growing up.

    For your info, Robert, evolution has nothing to do with growing up.

    So, my dear Robert, you still have not answered why boys are naughty.

  15. Hi Yu Liang..

    Don't worry! She will love to hear that 'pretty' word from you.

    As a scout yourself, you have to be brave and couragous. I was an ex scout myself...45 years ago. I serve and to do my level best...i am still doing now.
    Making people happy in every possible way i could.

    Thank you for reading my blog.

  16. owh...okays...hahha...
    u welcome...hahah

    erm do u have a king scout badge??
    i was unable to complete it...
    due to the national sevice...
    there's a clash wif the USPR n NS...
    but no 1 tell me that i can pass up all my logs book at age of 17.5...haihz...missed the chance dee..

  17. Hi Yu Liang...

    I got many badges but never had the chance to reach the King scout.
