Saturday, November 22, 2008

Creative message pleases the eyes.

A selling tip....

Isn't easy to be always in contact with our existing clients, especially when they are by the few hundreds. All of them are equally important to us. Thanks to the mobile phone which makes things easier for me. Whenever I am free, I would contact my clients by merely sending them text messages. They always love to receive my sms because I tried to be creative in my lettering. I sent out some today and they called me later.

Most people write with direct and simple greeting. Not me, for I like to make my receivers to feel happy while they read my contents. I sent this message to several of my clients whom I had not seen for quite awhile. It was written...."Hi young man! How are you? Have not seen your handsome face for a long long time. Hearing your exciting voice now will be even better." Unexpectedly all three called me immediately. One has the intention to upgrade his insurance and the other two wished to have lunch with me next week. Not bad...right?

Of course I could not neglect female clients too. To the ladies I wrote..."Hi my dear! Have not seen this intelligent and attractive lady for quite sometimes. Are you still having that sexy voice?" There was one who was in Hong Kong on holiday, could not resist not to speak to me.

You might term me as naughty but life has to be fun and interesting. Surprisingly most people like naughty person who has humour and courage. I will never forget... George Washington's phrase..."Do the common things in an uncommon way. The world will be at your command."


  1. Being naughty is being creative without hurting long as we know our barrier,its no harm. no heartfelt.And being said so..honesty to the loved one is also part of it.


  2. Hi RL...

    Well said! I like your style of being naughty. Thanks for the comment.
