Sunday, November 23, 2008


Selling Tip...

Not only the text messages from the mobile phone is useful, I constantly reached all my clients through the emails, especially those who are residing overseas currently. I forward them interesting mails of all kind...not business but mails they would laugh. The men receive the heavy playful stuffs and the women get meaningful and a little naughty words to read. I know they will like them and I am sure they remember me.

I have Retnakumar and his sweet wife, Dr Vasanta who are now working abroad in The States. They are my clients for many years and we are still good friends though they are away. Few days back was Dr Vasanta's birthday. Making sure the husband could remember his wife's birthday, I directed my wishes to his email address. This was what I wrote to them....

Hi Young man... Please forward this special message to your lovely wife, Dr Vasanta...
"The beauty of a woman is seen through her heart where love have."
Happy Birthday to you...Dr Vasanta...
Warmest regards... Robert.

The next day, I received her email. She wrote...."Dear Robert, This is Vasanta here. Thank you for your lovely greetings. It amazes me how you always remember our birthdays. That's what brings lasting friendship between you and us." Regards, Vasanta.

My follow up...."Hi my dear Dr Vasantha...
It's by fate we know each other in this life...especially such lovely people like you guys. You are too important for me to forget. To find out can read my blog.. Happy Birthday to you again. A kiss for you....Mmmmm!!"

She responded... "Hi Robert, Thanks again for your heartfelt words. When we come down next, we will try to meet up and catch up on all the news and you have to promise me that you will share with me, your secrets to looking so youthful! We all need advice now and then from learned people like you, who is very much young at heart, so that we can have more meaningful years ahead and as we go through our twilight years, it's good to have friends like you. Bye for now. Regards, Vasanta."

My reply...Hi my dear...
"It will be marvellous. I will be delighted to meet you again. Make sure you call me when you touch down here..for I have a lot to share and to receive from you as well. Looking forward to your return coz I love to talk to intelligent and attractive lady."
Regards.. The man of 37 turning 36...

The same day, Dr Vasanta received a forwarded mail from me. Was light stuffs with some XXX on it. She sent over her comment..." Hi Robert, Naughty! naughty! naughty! Life is too short after all. So lets share some laughs with good friends like you! Now I know at least one secret as to how you manage to stay so young at heart! Bye and take care, Vasanta.

Never failed to response, I wrote....Hi my dear...
"When we were young, we were playful but when we grow older...we forget the naughtiness of us. Beware!! Don't forget to be naughty and playful coz they can spice up your courage and turn you to be younger again....this is fact of life we have to accept".
From the naughty young man.

Retnakumar and Dr Vasanta are professionals. With sincerity and love plus plenty of humour and naughtiness..we learn to know each other better. I am not so intelligence like them but I have the smartness to make myself likable. To this couple I say..."Thank you for being such great friends".

Food for the thought - "True friendship is a plant of slow growth. — George Washington (1732-1799).

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