Monday, November 24, 2008

This is a real Internet Addict.

I copied and pasted the above photo posting from my son's blog, ..."This a real Internet Addict"... was his title. A picture is better than a thousand words. He wrote nothing on it. So! Let the dad writes something on his behalf as I could see deeper into the one picture of life.

Yes me too! I am also an Internet Addict. The different is ...his baby is hardly one. Whereas I have 3+6 babies. I have three grown up babies, all sons and six young grand children as babies too. They will always be babies to me as long as I live. The above addict is luckier than me because he has the pleasure of having that little dot to sleep on his thigh while surfing on net. Over here I have to surf alone and to feel the presence of all my babies.

I am glad that I am not a computer illiteracy. Most people, especially the Asian who is 50 and above are reluctance to learn the wonder of the Internet world. They are not prepared to accept changes and changes are always difficult to change. It was my first son, Alvin who instigated my thought a few years ago. He said, "if you want the young to accept the old, the old has to accept the young as well". He encouraged me to learn the computor and be able to assess to the new world. Although he was the first one who started to blog, I surprised him that I could do it as well the next day. He writes knowledge and me write wisdom. I had written 600 titles on this blog since started March 2007. I write almost everyday with what I feel and sight. He was right! I could reach to the younger generation with my mind. Yes! I am addicted to the Internet for a good cause. I was down with my server a few days back due to a power failure at home and wasn't unable to surf. Out of surprise, my last son, Caldwin, an IT engineer brought home a brand new latest Sony Vaio laptop to me as an advance birthday gift. He knows nothing will make me more happier by buying a sophisticated and an advance notebook to his father. I am still addicted to the young way of lives....Internet! Thank you Alvin and Caldwin....u really make my day.

Interesting - "Information on the Internet is subject to the same rules and regulations as conversation at a bar." - George Lundberg


  1. Congrats dad, we are all internet addict to some extent. I m glad that you had picked it up and maximize the advantage. While i m glad that you are so connected these days, I would also like you to manage it and not overly addicted to it. The challenge is to use internet to become more social-centric instead of seating next to the computer and ignoring the whole world. Lets not forget the notion of communication is to bring people closer together instead of having them of our address book and not contacting them. How often do you go through your contact lists on your phone book and email application and actually contacting them???

  2. Hi son....

    Your advices are greatly appreciated. I never fail to reach my clients and friends physically. I still prefer the five senses of life...sight, hear, smell, taste and touch.

  3. Hi son....

    Your advices are greatly appreciated. I never fail to reach my clients and friends physically. I still prefer the five senses of life...sight, hear, smell, taste and touch.
