Saturday, December 27, 2008

I am home from holiday.

Hi everybody! I am back and home sweetheart home again. I left on Tuesday to a neighbouring country where I purposely got lost to 'no where'. It was a relaxing holiday when I didn't bother about time and place. I used to go on tour to most part of the world when upon returning I tend to be more tired than before leaving. As far as I am concerned, on tour isn't considered to be a holiday but rather is seeing places of interest. One has to move so fast when you might not have enough sleep while touring. Not when I took this to 'no where' holiday. I woke up any time I liked, took late easy breakfast, window shopping with no buying, ate when I saw some interesting local food, relaxed at poolside to admire those lovely bodies, beach and sand, spa and massage to my leisure and walked aimlessly without any particular destinations. It was like seeing the world go round, especially when most people were on holiday mood now. Although I was alone but the world never let me to be lonesome because as long as I had the heart to meet and talk with people, there were new friends to be found. Smiles were the lauguages to meet people. Whenever I was asked...where I was from?? My rely was...I am from Planet Earth. Surprisingly some were so innocent to ask again...where is Planet Earth?? I could never imagine there are still many people in this world who do not know where is Planet Earth. Jokingly I told them....Planet Earth is a place where all people smile and live happily together.

Food for the thought - "There are hundreds of lauguages in the world but a smile speaks them all" - Frank A. Clark


  1. Hi Robert,

    Welcome your are now RECHARGED, need to do the same and perhaps I can meet those people who does not know where planet earth is...

    Red Lavender

  2. Hi RL...

    Yes! I am fully charged and I am equally glad to see you here again.

  3. to both of you ....
    welcome to my country... ;))

  4. Hi Zarina...

    Thank you for welcoming us back home. We should meet before the year ends.
