Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What is sex to you?

I am going for a holiday tomorrow and taking an early flight. Be away for a few days, relax and get myself lost into the unknown. Just was I about to sleep, this brother disturbed me again. He sent a question to me on text. It was written..."Bro, what is sex to you and how you see it?" By right, he should be asking more on selling rather than these three letters word of curiosity. Since he isn't doing so well in sales, I might as well teach him a bit on sex. Perhaps when he understands sex deeper, he might do well in selling because sex is related to selling. Funny isn't it!!!

I replied him briefly with some thoughts on it. I think sex comes in many ways to different people and culture. Most take sex as vulgar, indecent, offensive, sinful or for the sake of lust. Out of lust, most people satisfy themselves through sex and have intercourse. This is temporary satisfaction of desire on sexual needs and wants. As long as two different opposite sexes agree, they can have sex without fuss over it. However, I am in different grouping my dear brother. To me...love and sex got to come together. With love come first, sex will be more beautiful, meaningful and lasting. Sex with true love, creates positive energy which can move all obstacles of life. Love with sex bonds a relationship closer. It enhances the vital force of the ying and yang energies or in Chinese, we called them as Chi. The unimpeded circulation of chi and a balance of its negative and positive forms in the body are held to be essential to good health in traditional Chinese belief.

Through the air and spirit of the chi (Ying & Yang), sex lives is happier and merrier. Brother, believe me ...when you heart is happy and contented, you tend to work harder and smarter all the way. Your facial will be brighter and your eyes will be sharper. Just few days ago, I met a lady doctor who is at her late forty and still a spinster. Her face was dull and her skin was aging. She didn't look a happy person to me. I think she lacks love and sex. An unsatisfied person is always an unhappy person. Brother, you have came the rightful age to be married and yet you still remain single, I am worried that something is missing in your system. Yes! You could have got the lust for sex when you hit and run, which were temporary of no benefit. You lack also the chi badly. Without the balance of life energy through love and sex, I am sorry to say...your personal life would definitely be affected in some ways.

Is getting too late now. If you are still interested to go further on the subject of sex, please arrange a special class of ten person (5 males & 5 females), I promise to discuss this topic with all of you again. I talk life insurance and I can share love & sex too.

Food for the thought - "Sexual love is undoubtedly one of the chief things in life, and the union of mental and bodily satisfaction in the enjoyment of love is one of its culminating peaks. Apart from a few queer fanatics, all the world knows this and conducts its life accordingly; science alone is too delicate to admit it." - Sigmund Freud


  1. Hi Robert,

    This dear brother need to arrange a special class....Curiousity Kills the Cat

    Red Lavender

  2. hahaha--
    "Abg" Robert please enjoy your happy moment with your "little darling"-- the aura is so real --

  3. hahaha--
    "Abg" Robert please enjoy your happy moment with your "little darling"-- the aura is so real --

  4. I think sex and love are different. But I respect your point of view. Sex can surely happen without love and still be good (whether vulgar, dirty, or fun). However, I hear when you find that true love, that is when sex is amazing. Haven't found true love yet though.

    Enjoy your holiday.

  5. LMc1381 is right, sex is still Oooooo.....h aaaaaa...h! even without love.

  6. Hi Zue..

    Thank you for reading my blog. Have a happy holiday yourself too.

  7. Hi LMc1381,

    I am sure true love will come to you...just that you have to believe it first. Coz Love has magic. Thanks so much for your comment.
