Thursday, July 09, 2009

Daily sxx keeps men alive!

All you goodies, goodies out there have been exonerated for your past deeds. Daily sex keeps men alive....this is something very interesting for the man.

Article from The Sunday Telegraph:
HAVING sex daily - especially with a younger woman - is the perfect recipe for keeping men fit and healthy, a study has revealed. While the average life expectancy of a man is 77, the last seven years are, for the majority of men, marked by serious illness or ailments. But according to experts, sex rates highest among the simple and often bizarre ways to keep men healthy - including cutting down on pain killers, eating five apples a day, brushing teeth with your wrong hand and carrying wallets in the breast pocket.

Germany's Max Plank Institute - which conducted a study into deaths in Denmark between 1990 and 2005 - found a younger bride can cut the risk of premature death risk by 20 per cent. It showed men who were with women about 15 to 17 years their junior - who look after the children and can put food on the table - help extend their lives. The study concluded the higher life expectancy was either caused by younger women caring for men better or natural selection.

Man! What are we waiting for now???

I like this - "Sex is the most fun you can have without laughing." - Woody Allen.


  1. Then let's go for it, darling...afte all, we don't want you wasting away, do we? xx

  2. Hi anonymous,

    I would be coming over tonite. Please get ready for me. So nice of you to invite me here. You are truly a brave interesting dear.
