Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Everything is a miracle.

It was so sweet of this darling who sent me this message..."There are two ways to live your life. One as though there is a miracle. The other is as though Everything is a miracle!!!".

Yes! I believe everything is a miracle. The Universe is boundless and its a miracle i am here on planet earth at this moment of time. Of all professions, its a miracle i am destined to sell life insurance, which allows me to reach and touch lives of all races, faiths and characters. Its a miracle, all my clients are understanding and reasonable people who respected and loved me so much. Is a miracle, i am strong and healthy at this age when i could still move on actively with plenty of enthusiasm. Is a miracle, i am blessed with a wonderful family of three sons and six adorable grand children who treated me more like friend. Is a miracle, we have the Internet which allows us to see the world and the blog keeps me excited to write and share my wisdom of thought. Is a miracle little darling falls in love with this naughty man here and certainly i am also a miracle to her.

Yes! my dear, I chose to live everything is a miracle because it helps me to appreciate and admire lives more. Thank you for sending this miracle of words to me. It was spoken by the great Albert Einstein.

Specially for this sweet darling - "Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle." - Marianne Williamson


  1. You are absolutely right Robert.A great thought from the Einstein and to add / improvise on it- really good.

  2. You are absolutely right Robert.A great thought from the Einstein and to add / improvise on it- really good.

  3. Hi Bhasker,

    Oh yes! Its a miracle that you read my blog and to know you. Thank you my friend.
