Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Best Tattoo

Ah Fei is one of my brother of different mother and father. I am a Chinese and he is a Malay. I like his style because he is equally as naughty as i am. This early morning, he sent over a message which said, "Something to ponder. U like it shaven or bushy?"

I understood his dirty mind. Replying him i wrote, "For admiration i like shaven but for excitement i love bushy more. What say u brother?"

Without hesitating he responded, "U like it bushy! U know how long it can grow, or may be trimmed one? I like it shaven/trimmed, easy for my tongue to xplore down there and won't get hair stuck at tooth."

He almost choked me while i was having my breakfast coffee. Yes! Everyone thinks and acts differently. Brother, please read the below contents and see whether you could understand the different of hair over tatoo.

This man had what he thought was the best tattoo in the world...

Until he went to prison!!!


  1. hehehe...bro, u r naughty...

  2. Hi Brother,

    To be naughty when you are young is easy but when you are much older, you need a lot of guts to be naughty.
