Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Have you found your soul mate?

A Gmail Chat with Deepa....

deepa: hello handsome
me: hi my sweet
deepa: how are you??
me: on top of the world because chatting with you my dear
deepa: he he he how is your little sweet heart how is life going on??
deepa: life is so far good Robert
me: she loves me even more....life is like heaven...wondering why the world is complaining
deepa: coz they couldn't find their soul mate yet
me: God have created one each for everyone on earth...jst that you have to look for her or him
deepa: yes


Deepa is one of my admirable blog reader from India. I hope she has found her soul mate who will make her life complete. The saying... "A Happy Heart Sees A beautiful World."


  1. Thanks Robert.... I'm amazed and surprised to see our chat here... God bless..

  2. Hi my dear,

    Yes! God Bless us to meet here on blog.

  3. Hi Anonymous,

    By the way where are you from?
