Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I sell to live longer in life

Today is such a wonderful day because i met up with a long lost friend of 28 years. WongTF had left the country for England six years ago when his business failed after when he was cheated. Armed with only two hands, he managed to turn around and managed to save some money home. Today he is back in KL venturing into some new businesses which might be a good start for him here. He had the thought to buy life insurance currently, because all his previous policies had been lapsed or terminated. Still keeping my telephone number, he contacted me for the intention to purchase insurance from me. Though there were many agents who were trying to approach him, non was able to sell anything to him. Reason; the one person whom he could trust on Life Insurance matter is Robert Foo. Unless he is no longer around.

The above was the exact words of what WongTF related to me. Wow!!! What a joy to hear it! One question from my good friend. He asked me why i am still selling life insurance at my age. Jokingly i said...i know you would be a millionaire again and i have to wait for you to return, so that i would be the first to effect you with the million cover. Haha!!!

This is my real reason. Twenty eight years ago when i sold him his first policy, that was the time i needed the sales so that i could survive. I needed the money to support my family, i needed the cash to make sure my children would be able to complete their education, i needed the incentives to bring a better and healthier life for everyone at home. Thank you WongTF. You had helped me and my family to grow. Today i am still selling life insurance because i needed to live. Talking is my hobby and life insurance allows me to talk endlessly. Thank you again WongTF because by you taking this product from me now, you are putting more hope and value into my life. Your trust and confidence on me energise my thought. Yes! Equally i trust and believe i would live much longer healthily, so that i won't fail you in anyway as we walk the last journey of our lives.

In short; "Last time i sold to survive and today i sell to live."

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